Zip HydroTap Water Filter Reviews

Zip HydroTap Water Filter ReviewsZip HydroTap Water Filter ReviewsZip HydroTap Water Filter ReviewsZip HydroTap Water Filter Reviews

Zip HydroTap Water Filter ReviewsZip HydroTap Water Filter ReviewsZip HydroTap Water Filter ReviewsZip HydroTap Water Filter Reviews

Zip HydroTap gives you great-tasting instant boiling and chilled filterd water at home. 60 Boiling cups and 85 Chilled glasses per hour – and there’s even more great features with the award-winning 4th generation Zip HydroTap.
Zip HydroTap Instant Boiling Water treat yourself to a new way of life. Zip HydroTap, boiling and chilled filtered water instantly. The world’s newest kitchen sensation . Perfect for entertaining, great for cooking.

  • Time saving:
  1. Save 4-6 minutes every time you need a hot drink.
  2. Save up to 10 minutes when cooking.
  3. Increase office ( or home office) efficiency.
  • Convenient:
  1. Great for entertaining. Tea, coffee, cool drinks (even soup) in an instant. You’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.
  • Environmental:
  1. Air (not water) cooling system.
  2. Never buy plastic bottled water again.
  3. No need to “run the tap” for hot or cold water.
  • Energy efficient:
  1. “Sleep Mode” automatically engages when idle.
  2. Shuts down after hours & on weekends.
  3. “Power-Pulse” technology for learn operation.
  • Safe:
  1. Child safely lock for peace of mind.
  2. Sensor probe auto-shutdown in case of leaks.
  3. Filters Giardia and other water-borne particles.

For more info how Zip HydroTap is so simple to operate visti Zip HydroTap