Repechage Anti Aging Hand Treatment

The Repechage Anti-Aging Hand Treatment. Cold, harsh winters can leave your clients’ hands feeling rough, itchy, and uncomfortable. Rehydrate dry hands this winter with the Repechage Anti-Aging Hand Treatment with Seaweed Treatment Mask. This intense spa manicure helps to remove dead skin cells and provides anti-aging benefits while hydrating and nourishing the hands. Winter care for your hand.

Repechage Anti Aging Hand Treatment

1. Sanitize hands with Repechage Clean Hands Anti-Microbial Hand Wipes.

2. Apply a thin layer of Repechage Re-Texturizing Peeling Cream.

3. Once dried, gently roll off the Rep chage Re-Texturizing Peeling Cream with the tips of your fingers.

4. Continue with a relaxing hand massage with the Repechage C-Serum Seaweed Filtrate. This seaweed extract is rich in vitamins, minerals, Amino acids, and trace elements to help prevent dehydration and fine lines.Repechage Anti Aging Hand Treatment_2


5. Follow with a second massage using the Repchage Sea Spa Hand Cream for an additional 10 minutes.

6. Keeping fingers together, apply the Repchage Seaweed Treatment Mask. Allow the mask to set for 15 minutes for

maximum hydration.

7. Peel back the Repchage Seaweed Treatment Mask and add a layer of the Repechage Sea Spa Hand Cream for a fi nal boost of hydration.

8. Apply nail polish.