Summer is almost upon us and it’s time to get out and enjoy Mother Nature. Love the lake or the sound of babbling brook? How about a cook-out by a crackling campfire? Hooked on birds and butterflies? You could drive for hours to get to the great outdoors, but it’s closer than you think. In fact, you can have it all in your own backyard.
Backyards aren’t just for sandboxes and swing sets anymore. Some of the latest new designs include water features, fire pits and flower gardens that attract unique local wildlife. Many homeowners are even getting back to basics with designer chicken coops and bee hives. It seems the sky’s the limit when it comes to beautiful backyards. Let’s take a look at what’s trending in 2022.

According to the American Academy of Landscape Design survey – gardens are the most popular backyard element. Whether you prefer the classic style of long rows of peas and carrots, or go with more modern designs of raised boxes, container gardens and companion plants, the results are always the same –fresh fruits and veggies. No matter how you slice it, gardens are a delicious and attractive use of your backyard space.
Water Features

Nothing is more soothing that the musical sound of water. With the wide variety of water features to choose from, everyone can have their own personal sparkling stream. Choices range from playful fountains and birdbaths, to wall mounted waterfalls and bubbling rocks. For those adventurous backyard remodelers, try one of the Koi- pond kits, or install a mini river in your own backyard forest.
Birds and Butterflies

Some of the best backyards bloom with beautiful flowers, trees and shrubs. Stone paths winding from one area to another enhance the charm of a cottage garden, and whimsical elements like birdhouses and yard art add to the fun.

If you love butterflies, plant Butterfly Bushes. If you like to wake up to birdsong, or get a kick out of hummingbirds, add bird feeders and plant Sunflowers.
Fire Pits

Whether you’re having the grand-kids over for a backyard weenie roast, or you just like to kick back and relax by the light of a cozy fire, a built-in fire pit adds to the interest and atmosphere of your yard.

When building a new home, why not create a space for your fire pit. There are so many appealing options that a landscaper’s advice might come in handy. Dug out areas with permanent seating are a popular way to go, and if well constructed, will add to the resale value of your home. On the other end of the scale are the many above ground models. From wrought iron baskets to rustic stone circles, these fire pit designs are easy and fun. Simply set them up on the deck, light a fire, and bring out the marshmallows.

Whether your backyard is a patio with a small container garden, or an acre of forest land, it’s yours to design. Don’t waste the space. Use your imagination and some of the new and innovative products out there, and create your own personal Eden.